Friday, October 23, 2015

High Plains Con XXVI Results

It was a blast!

Thank you to all the participants, vendors, volunteers, attendees and last but not least, the High Plains Modelers that organized the show!

These are the "Best of" winners

Best Spacecraft –Oskar—Bryan Krueger
Best Auto—Blast4ME—Bob Martines
Best Aircraft--F/A-18D--Bryan Miller
Best Diorama--The Final Rounds—Ron Johnson 
Best Figure--German Gerbergjager—Ron Johnson
Best Armor--StuH 42—Bryan Krueger
Best Nautical--PT-109—David Waples
Best Junior--Hellcat F6F-5—Felicity Davis
Best 45 Theme-- The Final Rounds—Ron Johnson
Best Of Show-- Bryan Krueger

Full list of awards can be found here.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Almost ready - 1 week to go

Please visit the links on the navigation bar for the latest and greatest information.


  • Vendor tables are still available
  • Best Nautical Award is still available Sponsor found!
  • Vendor setup starts at 9:00 AM. If you are a vendor and show up early (at 8:00 AM) to help setup contest tables, HPM members will help setup your vendor table.
  • Model registration starts at 10:30 and ends at noon
  • Judging starts 1:30-ish
  • Ceremony award: 5:00 PM-ish 

Looking forward to another great High Plains Con!

The High Plains club members.